Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Audio Books: Are They Only For The Visually Impaired? By James Dyson

James Dyson

Should we be listening to books more than reading them? There is widespread opinion that the habit of reading books is slowly declining with the spread of internet and other technologies. Can audio books help slow this down?

The shift from Printed books to audio books has made reading, listening and derived a more convenient method for readers. Audio books are electronic form of conventional books, typically distributed on cassettes and CDs and give electronic-form comfort for yet another human habit.

In the US audio book market, cassettes/CDs sales comprise roughly 40% share. In addition, the recent swing from printed books to audio books among book reader society has led to immense growth in its readership.

A Short History of Books

The history of books starts in mid-15th century when developments in manuscript led to printed books and, in continuation today we have e-books. The 7th to 13th century was the age of religious manuscript books production. Books in this period were entirely hand-written, and are of large religious texts which were meant for worship.

Later, 13th to 15th Century was the period where secularisation in book production started happening. Books were produced only not to be worship objects, but to try explaining something about the observable world. The production of secular books was driven by increasing number of universities in Europe, originating from Italy.

The full printed books were produced from 15th to 16th Century. These are print versions of traditional works like the Bible, prayer books and the religious calendars. Books revealing European life style and society barely started coming after 16th Century.

In the Mid-15th Century, things begin to change with the advent of the printing press. In 1452, Gutenberg conceived the idea of movable type printing press and brought together the technologies of paper, oil-based ink and the wine-press to print books for us.

Using Printed Books

Paper books possess it own disadvantages as you need to maintain it, keeping away from bugs that eat away their pages. In long-term, you can see pages gone gray and fallen out, making book reading a rigid work.

You need to dust and wrap them all at least occasionally to maintain their condition and shape, and your wrapping could become horrible end up ruining the books. Extensive usage of a book make its papers to fallout from its cover and putting it together by applying glue or by using an elastic band won’t restore its original shape, making your reading an ache.

Volume of books occupies vast space pushing you to allot independent room for its maintenance. Desperately books need more room, and we know actual bookshelves cost much to stack it up all. Even though you have bookshelves soon your book collections start to overflow occupying newer spaces. To add, passionate book collectors really know how much awful lending a book could be.

Benefits of Audio Books

Firstly, listening to an audio book does not need as much as concentration you pay when you read a printed book. It is quite advantage comparing to conventional books that facilitate you listening to it while doing your other work. You can listen while busy preparing for yourself in your kitchen or driving your car. People with a job where it need to drive a lot can make extensive use of audio books. Listening to audio books while driving stops their activity from being a chore and instead makes it something to look forward.

In education, it is generally cheaper to provide set of books on cassettes/CDs as audio books for the class to share. This saves both time and money. Researches show that about 85% percentage of our learning and knowledge gathering actually comes from listening. Also it improves learner’s listening and comprehension skills. Audio books come in handy to teach kids and blinds and for adult’s self-help which range from public speaking to meditation.

Moreover you can have your own array of audio books collection in your audio bookshelves. Audio books allow instant replay of segments to which you need to comprehend more to your satisfactory. Imagine how many cassettes/CDs you can keep in the place where a set of book takes up leaving you enormous space.

Listening to books on cassettes/CDs is pleasant because it is so much easier and more fun to do so. Moreover, it doesn't take as long to listen to a book as it would to read it. Listening to audio books make feel, well connected to its subject.

If you are a new listener start with an audio book that you would enjoy listening first, a genre that you are comfortable with. If your interest is fantasy, start with it and if you don’t, chances are there that you like them in an audio book format.

The use of audio books gives you more power to motivate yourself to enjoy reading. It opens up a world of reading to one who has not yet felt what a joy in e-reading can be. Many listeners who start with little hitch using audio books soon become enthusiastic listeners, branching into other genres, reading longer books, and searching new authors. Certainly, audio books serve as a wonderful tool for passionate readers.

Many of us feel it is much easier and quicker to find information on the internet. One of the main problem with Audio books is that people think they are only for the visually impaired. Once we realize that Audio books can be quite enjoyable for everyone, perhaps this would help the declining book sales.


Bob Marley - The Legend By Jon Blake

Jon Blake

The great album called Bob Marley Legend has to be the premier album of its time. The legendary CD called Bob Marley Legend maps the life that Bob Marley lived by having the classic tracks such as 'Buffalo Soldier' and 'Stir it Up' plus 'Get Up Stand Up' and 'Is This Love'. Bob Marley has to be one of my favorite musicians that there is, and that is why he is the undisputed king of reggae. It is but a testament to his ability that he is a global icon. People in his home country and abroad still worship the man and the icon of Bob Marley.

The album Bob Marley Legend had to be one of the first albums I heard in my first year of college. Everyone used to like Bob Marley but in a different sort of way. With other music, people liked the same kind of stuff as their social group, but with this everybody liked it. Not everybody had the CD, but you would never get a single complaint when Buffalo Soldier started playing.

Although Bob is heard by a host of people, Bob Marley had original success singing about the poverty and suffering of his native Jamaicans. Bob Marley actually always thought for freedom and independence wanting ordinary people to get rights. His radical spirit and his longing for freedom are prominent in his music, in his spirit and in his many fans that listen to and absorb his lyrics.

The reason Bob Marley is liked by everyone is his multi-faceted personality. Those who take drugs feel a certain alliance with him, those who play guitar feel similar, those who are just chilled out music fans. Everyone likes Bob Marley and if you do not then you have a problem. If you are a true fan, then you will go and listen to one of his tracks or price up one of his albums after reading this page.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mail Order Clothing By I Henman

I Henman

By the way, whatever happened to the window shoppers? In our younger days we used to gaze at the beautifully designed shop windows, appreciating their wares though not always indulging in actual buying. Today people have no more time to look at a shop window to select an item. Plus, tastes and preferences have also changed greatly as they do over time.

As a matter of fact, the traditional method of shopping has gone with the wind. Now-a-days, if you need to buy anything, you either buy online or go for mail order shopping. However, mail order clothing could be tricky. Take for example the problem of sizing. Size eight from one store stands for size ten in another, since different brands have different sizing systems. So, unless you are acquainted with the sizing method of the shop you have selected, it would be a waste of time and money to go for mail order clothing. Television shopping channels and online catalogues pose similar problems. Their views on the topic are nevertheless, persuasive. Since we all are different shapes and sizes, they argue, our clothes come in different shapes and sizes too.

Apart from the size, mail order clothing fabric also requires your attention. In the case of a stay-at-home mother who spends a few hours with the children outdoors, silk may not be suitable for her. So you need to select carefully. Then different fabrics require different treatment. Whatever is good for the linen may not be good for polyester. Mail ordering clothing thus creates confusion and hassles. Those who are very attentive to their laundry may indulge in mail order clothing since they can take the time to check each fabric and treat it accordingly. But most of us are in the habit of dumping all the laundry into the wash machine and turning it on. The end result, as you can appreciate, is far from satisfactory.

Despite all the inconveniences, mail order clothing has come to stay simply because no one has the time to do actual shopping and online shopping for clothing has more problems than mail order clothing.

Another important factor could be the budget that includes one’s timeframe. Hours saved on shopping may be lost in weeks waiting for the mail order clothing to reach the destination. Besides, shipping costs could be considerable if the distance between the supplier and the customer is great.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Donations That Make A Difference In The World By Timothy Allen

Timothy Allen

Because of all the devastating problems in the world today homes, and lives have been severly changed. Rebuilding businesses and home properties requires a great deal of resources to accomplish. Getting aid from the government is extremely hard to do. Their aid falls short of what is really needed. Individual contributions from us the people is needed. Beyond regular contributions, donating a used car can greatly benefit the needs of these who are in great need. A car donation not only benefits those who recieve aid from it the donor is also benefited.

Car Donations are simple, and are done through a charity vehicle donation program. Generally, a telephone call is all that is necessary. In addition to a clear title to the car. Many organizations will take car that are running or not running. The car donation program will arrange for the vehicle to be picked up, conduct a charity auction sale, and distribute the proceeds to the charity of your choice. In most instances those who donate just have their car waisting away and taking up space.

Your car donation is tax deductible, as long as the charity is a registered 501(c)3 organization. A registered 501(c)3 organization is a non-profit organization permitted by the IRS to accept contributions and offer donors a tax deduction for their contribution. Thanks to a new tax law in effect as of 2005, the IRS has taken the guesswork out of determining the value of your car. You may deduct the full price that is received from the sale of your car. This greatly simplifies the process, because you no longer have to research and arrive at an estimate of the market value of the vehicle. This also changes the risk of getting into trouble by overstating the value of your deduction on your tax return. You’ll know exactly the amount you may deduct, eliminating guesswork, and saving both time and potential problems.

Car donations will help provide aid, disaster relief for devastated areas, and communities. In fact, a car donation will eliminate the hassles of selling a car, and give something back to a community in need at the same time. A car donation can and will make a difference that we need in the world.
